Zosia Korcz

...a girl who makes games.

  • Lost in Cyberspace Co-op VR game
    Lost in Cyberspace Co-op VR game
    26 Sep 2017

    Lost in Cyberspace Co-op VR game Lost in Cyberspace Co-op VR game

    This year, Js13kGames contest has a new category called: A-Frame. A-Frame is a library that helps building virtual reality experiences. I, together with Bartek decided to try it and build a cooperative game around a theme of Lost. I want to share with you some interesting fragments and pitfalls we encountered while developing Lost in CYBERSPACE.

  • Buggy SnAkE for the Js13kGames
    Buggy SnAkE entry for the Js13kGames
    01 Oct 2016

    Buggy SnAkE for the Js13kGames Buggy SnAkE entry for the Js13kGames

    After 4 years of slacking off I finally had time, energy and the idea for another game for the Js13kGames contest. With help from Bartek we created a glitched version of the classic game Snake. I would like to show you here the most interesting programming challenges and ideas we came across during development of the buggy SnAkE game.

  • Mastermind game in React and ES6
    Mastermind game in React and ECMAScript 6
    02 Aug 2016

    Mastermind game in React and ES6 Mastermind game in React and ES6

    The best way to learn new technologies is to make something interesting, fun, engaging and unconventional. In this tutorial I will walk you through a Mastermind game I built to show some of the most fundamental ideas behind the React library, ECMAScript 6 specification and Webpack module bundler.

  • Sliding puzzle game in Phaser
    Sliding puzzle game in Phaser
    24 May 2015

    Sliding puzzle game in Phaser Sliding puzzle game in Phaser

    The popularity of the Phaser game framework is growing rapidly. Let’s focus on the basics of this library by creating a simple puzzle sliding game.

  • Planet Defender
    Planet Defender - a circular world game with Pixi.js
    09 Mar 2014

    Planet Defender Planet Defender

    The third weekend of January was the coldest that Poland has been all winter, so far. Temperatures in Poznań hit -11°C during the day. In such conditions, the best way to spend free time was to stay at home and enjoy the advantages of a comfortable and warm bed ;). But this weekend was special for the game makers from all over the world. The Global Game Jam was taking place and I couldn't miss it!

  • Purrfect - a Node Knockout multiplayer game
    Purrfect - a Node Knockout'13 multiplayer game
    15 Nov 2013

    Purrfect game Purrfect - a Node Knockout multiplayer game

    Node Knockout is one of the most popular 48h, online hackathon featuring node.js. Together with my friends: @mchmurski, Ania and @lukaszwojciak we wanted to make a multiplayer, enjoyable game with a catchy idea - popular cat memes as main characters!

  • Swift - my first arcade canvas game
    Swift - my first arcade canvas game
    03 Nov 2013

    Swift - my first arcade canvas game Swift - my first arcade canvas game

    This time I would like to show you how easily you can develop a simple arcade game in canvas element. As an example, I will use a Swift game which I made for 2012's edition of JS13KGames.

  • CSS only Duck Hunt game
    Case study - how does CSS only Duck Hunt work?
    12 Oct 2013

    CSS only Duck Hunt game CSS only Duck Hunt game

    CSS Duck Hunt was the first game I submitted to ‘CSS only’ Mozilla Dev Derby over one year ago. It didn’t win anything, but I was glad that I managed to develop a nostalgic game in a rather unique way. Since then, some people have asked me to explain how this game works.